UF veterinary oncology program gets boost via the Ann and Lawrence G. Laiks Canine Cancer Fund

Thanks to a generous legacy gift from a former dentist and his wife, who were Sarasota residents and dedicated dog lovers, canine cancer research at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine will be boosted annually into perpetuity.


John Ligon, M.D., receives grant to study disparities in pediatric cancer clinical trials

John Ligon, M.D., an assistant professor in the department of pediatrics in the University of Florida College of Medicine, has received a grant from the Children’s Oncology Group to study the impact of race and ethnicity on immunotherapy outcomes in children and adolescent young adult patients with cancer. The Minority Young Investigator Award is funded through Children’s Cancer Research Fund.


UF team receives NSF grant to study nerve cell behavior

Xin Tang, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the UF department of mechanical & aerospace engineering, has received a three-year $440,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to create an innovative framework to study the 3D, multifaceted behaviors of nerve cells as they relate to diseases, including cancer. This mechanobiological framework aims to open the door to develop next-generation drugs targeting cancer pain and associated diseases.

Tang Huang